- Attempting to promote an IBS client’s earnest attitude in Dohsa therapy: MIZUGAI, Junko and KOGA, Satoshi
- Interpretation of client/therapist interaction based on countertransference: TOMITA, Yuki
- Therapeutic education and psychological support for a juvenile delinquent in a children’s self-reliance support facility: OHARA, Takaharu
- The effectiveness of clinical Dohsa-hou on a university student with throwing yips: MUKAI, Kosuke and KOGA, Satoshi
- The psychotherapeutic process for a university student with selective mutism: OKAMOTO, Akane
- Mindfulness and interpersonal psychotherapy for a patient with psychogenic hemiplegia: NAKANO, Mina
- The effects of internal working models and self-acceptance of these models on self-esteem and subjective well-being: KAGAWA, Kaoru; KOGA, Arisa; ASAKURA Yuki, and MURAKAMI, Mairi