- The case of a middle-aged male who re-established his life after his wife’s suicide: MATSUDA, Mariko
- How childhood cancer survivors form their view of life and death: TOGO, Saya
- The consultation and team approach in school counseling at a high school: NAKAMURA, Miho
- Counseling a patient suffering from pervasive developmental disorder that was exhibited in obsessive-compulsive symptoms: KISHIMOTO, Kazuko
- The influence of elementary school students’ maladaptation on interest in school counselors: SUZUKI, Mikie; OTSUKA, Keiko; HIDA, Sachiko: MUKAI, Mamiko and HIROURA, Miho
- The process of becoming “young carers” and developing mental illness in children of a depressed parent: SATO, Minori
- Producing knowledge, clinical applications, and public dissemination of psychological research by clinical psychologists: ARAI, Masaru