- The process of sexual minority person’s help seeking after recognition of mental distress: IWAGAKI, Chihaya
- Examination of resilience among bereaved crime victims involved in social activities: OTA, Misato; OKAMOTO, Yuko and HASHIMOTO, Tadayuki
- Treatment of psychotic confusion and the emotion: MORI, Kazuya
- The process of decision making by Chinese international students using Internet Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (MoodGYM) : AN, Tingting; SUGANUMA, Shinichiro and SHIMOYAMA, Haruhiko
- Teachers’ experience of consultation with school counselors: ISHIHARA, Michiru
- Examination of mental health and posttraumatic stress reactions using the lethality of traumatic experience and a clinical index: SATO, Ami and MATSUDA, Yuko
- Effect of hypervigilant narcissism on the tendency to body dysmorphic disorder: SAKATA, Hiroyuki
- Development of a scale assessing an acceptance of a reluctant career choice decision of college students: ISHIGURO, Kanae
- A case indicating the effectiveness of clinical Dohsa-hou for treatment of insomnia: HARADA, Shinnosuke; MURAKAMI, Junichi; MIYAWAKI, Hiroshi; HATAKENAKA, Yuhei; OISHI, Toshiaki and IMURA, Osamu