- Reorganization of life-history promoted by self-narratives and memory recall: NOMURA, Haruo
- A study on the difference in listening to an individual’s worrisome concerns by professional experts and non-experts using a role-playing method: SUZUKI, Yuka
- Support model in clinical Dohsa-hou and analysis of the therapist-client relationship: HARADA, Shinnosuke and TERUTA, Eri
- Research on mothers’ acceptance of her induced stillbirth: SUGAO, Shoko
- Adaptation of “clearing a space” for depression: MIYATA, Shuhei
- Therapist’s internal experiences, interaction with a client and a client’s post-termination change in Person-centered therapy: NAKATA, Yukishige
- The effects of mothers’ coparental regulation on work-family conflict: WATANABE, Mizuki and ITAKURA, Norimasa
- A review of published research and the possibility of psychological support regarding artificial insemination with donor’s semen: KANAZAWA, Miho
- Empirical evidence for the effectiveness of psychoanalytic psychotherapy: KOMIYA, Noboru