- Psychotherapy for a woman trying to fill “a void in her life”: NAGATA, Shinobu
- Effects of encounter groups on the personalities of the participants when examined by the Rorschach-Test: SUZUKI, Kenji and HIRAYAMA, Eiji
- Pragmatic language in children with autism spectrum disorder: ITO, Keiko
- Relationship between indexes of content of Auditory Projective Technique and self-reference: MATSUKAWA, Haruki
- Two cases utilizing cognitive behavioral therapy in consultation support in the domain of disability welfare: TOMII, Keiko and YAMASHINA, Mitsuru
- Relationship between psychological distress and withdrawal timing of people with hikikomori: KOSHI, Megumi; AOKI, Kikuyo and YATSUDA, Masako
- The supervisory process in clinical supervision for master’s students in on-campus practicums: TANNO, Hiromi
- Short forms of WAIS-III for dementia with Lewy bodies: OTA, Kazumi and MURAYAMA, Norio
- Influence on the mental health of people involved in significant others with borderline tendency: ONO, Chiho and TSUGAWA, Ritsuko