- From spirit to psyche: TOWHATA, Kaito
- What is the expertise of clinical psychologists in Japan?: ASAHARA, Chie; HASHIMOTO, Takahiro; TAKANASHI, Rieko and WATANABE, Mika
- Factors in bullying: HARADA, Munetada
- Study of the effectiveness of redecision therapy in the treatment of depression: KURANARI, Nobuyoshi and ISHIMARU, Masahiko
- The role of clinical psychologists cooperating with other professionals in the provision of regional childcare support: ASO, Noriko
- Social support and independent living of welfare recipients with past experience of homelessness: YOSHIZUMI, Takahiro
- Re-examining the concept of non-directiveness in counseling an adult woman: KANEKO, Shuhei
- Interplay processes of elderly persons with dementia and their caretakers using light clay: YAGUCHI, Daiyu and KAMEGUCHI, Kenji
- The significance and implementation of interviews in school counseling with parents: FUJISAKI, Chieko