- Development of mindfulness “attitude-effect” scale: YOSHIMURA, Jin
- Effect of cognitive behavioral group therapy on depression and predictors of the effect response: NISHIMURA, Hayato
- Classification of lethal and near-lethal suicides using experience type on the Rorschach test: FURUI, Yumiko; SAKAI, Reiko; SATO, Yuri and TSUCHIYA, Mieko
- Qualitative research on the subjective experience of therapist self-disclosure: TAKABATAKE, Yasuna
- The counseling process for a young adult with developmental disorders: how she comes to understand and learn to accept herself: KUMAMOTO, Michiru
- Psychological assessment in bipolar Ⅱdisorder: TSUCHIYA, Machi
- The expansion of psychological support by applying play therapy to the infant’s nursery: FUCHINO, Shunji
- “The relation between “knowing” and “eating” in eating disorders: ISHIBASHI, Hiroki
- “An attempt to develop a “new-type depression”-related vulnerability scale: NAKANO, Mina