- The relationship between “benefit finding” of cancer survivors participating in community-based self-help groups and their mental health: HUANG, Zhengguo; KODAMA, Kenichi and ARAI, Sawako
- Feeling shame or guilt for emotion: OKUMURA, Yayoi
- What needs to be done for Person-Centered Therapy to survive in Japan: NAKATA, Yukishige
- Parenting support for a poverty-stricken urban area in the Philippines: OTA, Saori; AOKI, Kikuyo and TOMITA, Kiyoko
- A multifaceted approach for a child with autism spectrum disorder reared in a children’s home: OZAWA, Eiji
- Application of Dohsa-hou to suffering from atopic dermatitis and resulting changes in skin condition: KATOU, Nahomi and TAGAI, Keiko
- Influence of collaboration with the teachers during graduate studies upon novice therapists’ clinical practice: ADACHI, Tomoo