- Psychotherapeutic process for a terminal cancer patient in a general ward: YOSHIDA, Miki
- Two types of “covering”: TOWHATA, Kaito
- Changes in dissociative symptoms in the Rorschach protocol by focusing on protocol analysis: AOKI, Sanae
- Classification of student counseling centers and factors influencing their development: ITO, Naoki
- Silence and group process in an Encounter Group: SUZUKI, Kenji and HIRAYAMA, Eiji
- The relationship between issue awareness, focusing attitude, and self-actualization: OSHIE, Takashi
- Spirituality in clinical psychology: NAKAJIMA, Yuko
- The process of interpersonal conflict resolution in adolescence: OKAMOTO, Hisashi and INOUE, Takayo
- A study of the mechanism by which impulses arise through an examination of the psychotherapy process: TAMAI, Hitoshi